Family Violence

tutu whanau

We Provide A Sensitive & Serious Approach To Family Violence

Family violence is a significant issue for both men and women in in New Zealand. If family violence is affecting you, a child or someone you know we are ready to help. We can advise concerned adults including teachers, medical staff, sports coaches, family friends – anyone who is worried about the safety of a child what steps can be taken to keep that child safe.

At Rotherham Law we understand the urgent nature of situations where safety is at risk and can assist with making urgent without notice applications for protection orders (including occupation and furniture orders) under the Family Violence Act. This can often be applied for and granted in the same day.

If you have been served with an application for a Protection Order and need to defend the allegations of family violence, we are well versed in assisting in this area. There can be flow on effects from protection order applications around contact and access with a child that we can help with. We can advise you on the effects and implications of a Protection Order and explain what is necessary to defend an application against you.

If you are a victim of family violence or accused of family violence we can help. It is essential that you get expert legal advice so that you are aware of the options available to you.

Applications for legal aid for the purpose of applying for a protection order do not have a $50 application fee and do not need to be repaid.

Useful links:

Justice.govt – Domestic Violence
Women’s Refuge

Ministry of Justice Video

family violence young boy


We set a standard of professionalism that spans our entire client base, ensuring legal equality.


Respect for person, property & perspective is a core value of every case with us.

Client Focused

Our first priority is you. We understand every case is different, and should be treated as such.


Legal undertaking can be a stressful time. Ensuring you feel comfortable & supported is a priority.

lawyer desk book

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Frequently Asked Questions

Understanding the family court process – view here.

Legal Aid for going to court can be read about here.

If you are in immediate danger contact the police immediately. Domestic violence is defined as physical, sexual and or physiological abuse. If you are in a relationship where your partner has been violent, we may be able to assist you with your application to the Family Court for a protection order.

Family violence is a sensitive topic and very personal journey weather you the victim or the aggressor needing help to make changes. Rotherham Law ensures discretion and thoughtful assistance in helping families move forward with their lives. The Family Court is a closed court that does not have a public gallery and only those involved in the case may enter the courtroom when it is sitting. Publication of family court matters is prohibited without Court authority and  heavily regulated to ensure the privacy of those involved in proceedings.

Reach out to your friend confidentially and make sure they are ok and want your help. If they do, ask what they want help with and be careful not to endanger them further with your own behaviour, especially if they are still living with their abuser. If they want to apply for a protection order and/or childcare orders Rotherham Law can assist with that on an urgent basis.

Other useful resources for those that are experiencing family harm are:

Justice.govt – Domestic Violence
Women’s Refuge

Ministry of Justice Video